Our bilingual consultants at Solutions are all experienced/qualified to assist our clients with French and UK administrative, fiscal and legal systems.
Having trouble figuring out how to set yourself up as self-employed? Are you a resident or non-resident wanting to let your property as a holiday let? The paperwork can be daunting, so why not let us do this for you?
Need help getting access to healthcare, titre de séjour, driving licence, social benefits or even just an appointment with
a doctor?
You've come to the right place.
Struggling to keep your accounts in order? We can advise you about the requirements or take the burden off your shoulders.
Do you have a business registered in France? Do you need to change tax regimes, add a new activity, conjoint or close a business? Contact us to do the work for you.
Find tax returns confusing? No time to complete your URSSAF, CAF, MSA or other administrative declarations?
We are here to help.
Are you a foreign-based company employing people resident in France? Do you need help with your French registration, administration and salaries? Look no further!